20th ITC Specialist Seminar on
Network Virtualization - Concept and Performance Aspects
18.-20. May 2009
Swiss-Belhotel Golden Sand Resort, Hoi An, Viet Nam
Network virtualization is the technology that allows the simultaneous operation of multiple logical networks (also known as overlays) on a single physical platform. Network virtualization permits distributed participants to create almost instantly their own network with application-specific naming, routing, and resource management mechanisms such as server virtualization enables users to use even a whole computing center arbitrarily as their own personal computer. Recently, network virtualization received tremendous attention since it is expected to be one of the major paradigms for the future Internet as proposed by numerous international initiatives on future networks, e.g. PlanetLab (USA, International), GENI (USA), AKARI (JAPAN), OneLab2 (Europe), and G-Lab (Germany).
A major objective of this ITC Specialist Seminar is to identify early and future performance issues and to provide methodologies and mechanisms to address the various aspects of performance in network virtualization. The seminar is intended as a forum for scientists and engineers in academia and industry to exchange and discuss their latest experiences, and research results. It will address techniques, architectures, performance models, and performance engineering methods leading to real world network virtualization solutions that provide users with efficient techniques for creating and operating their own high performance virtual network.
Topics of interest are amongst others, but not limited to:- Performance issues of virtualization techniques on routers and end hosts
- Performance issues of bandwidth and resource virtualization techniques
- Performance issues of overlays for future network architectures
- Performance of virtualized transport mechanisms
- Performance of virtualized services and virtualized applications
- Virtual test labs and network federations
Keynotes and invited talks
The organizers of the seminar are proud to announce the following keynote and invited speakers:
- Keynote: Prof. H. Kobayashi (Sherman Fairchild University Professor Erimitus of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and former Dean of the School of Engineering and Applied Science (SEAS), Princeton University, USA)
- Invited Talk: Prof. A. Nakao (Head of the Network Virtualization Laboratory of NICT, Japan and Associate Professor at the Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies, The University of Tokyo)
- Invited Talk: Dr. K. Shiomoto, (Group Leader NTT Network Service Systems Laboratories, Tokyo, Japan)
- Invited talk: Frédéric Dang Tran (R&D Engineer, Middleware & Advanced Service Platform Department, Orange Labs, Paris, France)